
Mission, vision and values

Patrimonio Nacional is much more than a museum and much more than a palace or group of royal sites. It's an institution that is unique in the world. Our mission, vision and values are focused on making our visitors' experience unique, giving them the chance to get to know the historical, artistic and cultural heritage of our country.

We are the institution in charge of conserving the extensive collection of assets that make up Spain's National Heritage, contributing thereby to the shaping of our collective imagination as an element that connects each generation to the next. We aim to offer the public the full value of the cultural and ecological wealth of Patrimonio Nacional, Heritage for Everyone.


The main functions of Patrimonio Nacional, as the public body responsible for the assets owned by the State that have come from the legacy of the Spanish Crown as set forth in Law 23/1982, of 16 June, on National Heritage, are to support the Head of State in the role of high representative attributed by the Constitution and laws and to make the historical-artistic heritage that it manages available through its use for cultural, scientific and educational purposes.

This institution manages 24 Palaces, Monasteries, Royal Convents and annexed buildings, open to the public, which make up the network of Royal Sites and which house more than 160,000 historical-artistic pieces from all disciplines (painting, sculpture, tapestries, clocks, gold and silver work, archives, libraries, musical instruments and furniture, amongst others) that constitute an essential part of Spain's cultural heritage, as they are the works of the best artists of all time. In addition, there is a significant natural heritage in the form of historical gardens, forests and other natural spaces that together make a total of 22,000 hectares and are home to a large number of wild animals.


Patrimonio Nacional aspires to be a national and international reference for history and culture. It is a dynamic institution that combines talent and capacity for innovation with the tradition of artistic conservation and restoration work, an organisation that acts as the unifying force for the artistic and cultural heritage of our country. A new point of contact for all generations.

This institution is committed to constant adaptation to the latest trends and aims to attract all types of audiences, especially young people so that their process of socialisation includes the elements of the arts and the historical-cultural heritage of our country.

Patrimonio Nacional will continue to align its activity with research, training and knowledge and generate synergies with the most important public and private universities and institutions in the field.

As a public institution managing national heritage, it aims to contribute to the cultural socialisation of Spanish society, to become a showcase to the world of our cultural, ecological and historical heritage, as well as to serve and create public value for a plural, diverse, inclusive, open, interdependent and participatory society based on a vision that combines knowledge with entertainment.

In the new post-coronavirus context, the work of National Heritage will also focus more on ensuring that national and international visitors can attend in the best possible safety conditions, following the Security Protocol and the new rules for access for the prevention of COVID-19 infection.


Patrimonio Nacional places special emphasis on values, making them a priority across all the strategies and projects that are under development in this new stage. The aim is to show how our historical and artistic heritage contributes to the value of culture and the collective imagination of our society.

Patrimonio Nacional seeks to be an example of how cultural institutions managed by public authorities can be transformed through the ethical values that must guide public policy such as transparency, quality, efficiency in management, transmission of knowledge, adaptation and innovation, equality and participation. All this is included in the concept of Open Heritage, following the principles of open governance, a future-orientated approach and new technologies.

In addition, Patrimonio Nacional will focus its internal management on enhancing the value of its human capital and the continuous improvement of personal skills through ongoing training and by encouraging the dynamics of participation and teamwork.

National Heritage, Heritage for Everyone.
